Percy Simpson (1883-1901), the son of Hugh Simpson (1858-1944) and Helen Thornton (1860-1932), died at a young age due to an infection resulting from a minor cut. Not much is known about this time but we have a photo as well as an interesting letter written to Percy’s father’s by his school mates, expressing the student’s sympathy.
Here is poem which appeared in the Orono News and appears to have been written by school students (either Percy’s friends or his father’s students).
In Memory of Percy
Son of Mr. & Mrs. H. Simpson
“The Saviour has taken his loved one home.
Among the angel bright and fair,
Where he will need no earthly care.
Our Heavenly Father who knows all,
Has quietly made a call,
And taken his spirit up above,
Where all is perfect love.
Father, mother and brother,
Feel in their hearts, that no other,
Can fill the vacant space
That God has seen fit to before them place.
We are so sorry you could no longer stay,
But we will meet you again some day,
In the other world so bright and fair,
Where jewels are shining everywhere.
Jesus has taken Percy’s spirit to rest,
To be forever with the blest;
He has gone home, to come back no more
And has left hearts behind very sore.
In that city so fair,
Jesus smiles are everywhere,
The streets are of shining gold,
But the half has never been told.
Cheer up, cheer up, weep no more,
He has just gone a little before,
He is out of this world of sorrow and pain.
Soon we will see him again.
We know thy crown full of stars shall be
And that Jesus sweet face you will see,
Your life was faithful and true
And now you have to bid us all adieu.
Good-bye Percy, our thoughtful schoolmate and friend,
You were ever good and kind to the end,
Your words and your deed forever will be,
Remembered by others and me.” (Thanks to the archivist at Clarington Museum for doing the transcription.)
Below: Percy Simpson (the older one) with brother Ray.
I believe this is Percy Simpson with his cousin Myrtle Simpson (daughter of John A. Simpson) of Manitoba.
Do you know Myrtle’s mother’s name? This person may be part of our family! Do you have any other photos or info on Myrtle?
Thank you for posting this.