This post contains a few images of the Moyne area to give an idea of where the Wilson family came from when they left in 1921 to emigrate to Canada. More family information is contained in the post about George Nicholas Wilson.
The first image is a map showing the location of Moyne, although with a population of 11 it doesn’t really deserve a place name on the map. Moyne is about 80 Km south of Dublin and a short distance south west of Wicklow town. You can see the town of Macreddin, the home of Jane Strahan, a little north-west of Moyne
And here is a map drawn by Herb Wilson in 2003 reflecting his
memories of the family property in Moyne.
And here is a photo of the Moyne house. A large non-descript house at this time and still occupied by the Kidd family who bought the house at auction in 1921. The store was on the bottom floor.
And now a photo of the school, built in 1828, the Wilson kids
attended (although Herb and Edith did attend school in Belfast
for a short time while staying with an aunt). In 2008 the
house was being meticulously restored and prepared for a
family home.
Now see the post titled “George Nicholas Wilson”.