Throughout this site you are able to find many markers for Thornton family members. (If you have just stumbled on to this page, here is a list of the other grave markers you can find on this site: Mary Ann Thornton, John James Thornton, John and Frances Thornton, Rebecca Thornton, William Thornton, Sarah Thornton, Helen Thornton, Laura Thornton, Martha Thornton, Franklin Thornton, Benjamin Thornton, Ulysses Thornton, Thomas Thornton, John J. Thornton.) Here is am just posting a few that are not mentioned, in the event they are of interest to others. The first 6 are located in the Orono cemetery. Click on image to enlarge.
John B. Thornton (son of Bowler)
John J. Thornton (son of Thomas)
Charles E. Thornton (son of Jonas Thornton)
Sarah E. Thornton (family unknown. )
Thomas E. Thornton
Wesley E. Thornton (son of Richard)
Charles Edgar Thornton (son of John James – Manor, SK)
George Thornton (son of John James Thornton – Manor, SK)
Marshall George Thornton (son of George – Manor, SK)
Sarah Jane Thornton (Woodstock, Ontario. May be a different family)