About this blog

As I write, Shirley Simpson and Gary Parkinson are celebrating their 51 anniversary.   This, and other events, have led me to learn about our family histories and to present this through a blog in the hopes of widening our connection.   The Simpson family leads us to many other family names:  Thornton, LaRue, Powers, Dowson,  Hughson, Cooney, Souch, Ard, Manes, Tulloch and others.  The Parkinson family leads us to:  Kirby, Slee, Sargent, Patterson, Radley, Gardener, Erikson, Middleton, Netherwood, Restall, Craddock and others.  Our journey goes from revolutionary America, Northern Ireland, revolutionary Ireland,  Port Hope county Ontario, Clarke County Ontario, Wood Mountain of Saskatchewan and at last to Broadview Saskatchewan.  We go from the farm to urban-industrial Britain to the woolen mills of Britain.

I have been dealing with a number of family photos which I thought should be made available. So I provide some basic family information along with photos in the hope of making connections, obtaining more accurate information or identification of photos .

The blog is very easy to navigate by clicking on any individual name or a category which will bring up all names associated with that category.   Also note the two permanent pages at the top of the blog.  It is helpful to keep going back to the one named “simplified family tree” to see how everything fits together historically.

If you just stumbled into the blog spend a few minutes to see how you can navigate the site by use of the names that appear or the”categories”.    Good luck and please feel free to comment or to contact me.


One Response to About this blog

  1. Bart Armstrong says:

    I am writing about the Canadian recipients of the medal of honor and would like very much to get in contact with descendants of Wesley J Powers. I am seeking pictures, and info pre, during and after the Civil War and images of front and back of his Medal of Honor.

    Any help would be most appreciated, thanks

    Bart Armstrong
    Victoria BC

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