Simplified family tree

A very short version of the family tree covered in this blog

1. 1654 Walter Powers  arrives in USA (Massachusetts).

2. 1670 Le Reux family arrives  in USA (New Jersey).

3. 1788 Hendrick (Henry) LaRue (UE) arrives in Leeds County, Ontario as a Loyalist.

4.  1790 Nathaniel Powers arrives in Leeds County, Ontario – a Revolutionary.

5. 1809 Rebecca LaRue marries Nathaniel Hart Powers in Leeds County Ontario.

6. 1830 Rebecca and Nathaniel move into Clarke Township, Ontario.

7.  1829 John and Frances Thornton arrive in Port Hope, Ontario, from England.

8.   1835 Thomas Thornton moves to Clarke Township

9.   1846 Thomas Thornton marries Susanna Powers in Clarke Township.

10. 1834 Hugh and Mary Simpson arrive in Port Hope from Northern Ireland.

11.  1883 Helen Thornton marries Hugh Simpson  (grandson of Hugh Simpson) in Whitby, Ontario.

12. 1902 Durward Simpson (son of Hugh and Helen) born in Broadview, Saskatchewan.

13. 1921 George Nicholas Wilson and wife Jane Strahn arrive in Canada and go to Limerick, Saskatchewan.

14. 1929 Durward marries Ella Wilson, recently arrived from Ireland.

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